E-newsletter: Message from the Dean

I hope this finds you well and enjoying our first month of summer. Although things are much quieter than usual on Macdonald campus and things are still far from “normal,” I am very proud of all the great work being accomplished in our Faculty and the plans developing for the upcoming Fall semester. I am pleased to share some highlights with you.
Funding Update
An inter-university collaboration led by Mark Lefsrud, Associate Professor in the Department of Bioresource Engineering, has received a $1.65-million research grant, to be distributed over six years, from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s (NSERC) Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program. Their program, Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Cannabis Production, Products and Training (QAQCC), will train students across Canada to ensure high-quality and safe cannabis production and products in Canada. Congratulations to Prof. Lefsrud and team! Read more about the program here.
Research News
Phase 2 of the gradual resumption of select on-campus research activities has been successful so far, and reports from Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) confirm that by and large, the implemented measures are being respected and translate to an operating working environment consistent with the COVID-19-related situation. We will continue to keep our guard up and strictly respect the directives, as this will allow us to make buildings and infrastructure accessible and to bring more people back to campus.
Homecoming Update
Plans continue to develop for Macdonald-specific programming that will be hosted during At-Home Homecoming from September 23-25. While this year’s events will be fully online, the signature events have already been confirmed:
Wednesday, September 23: Beatty Lecture with Steven Pinker, BA’76, DSc’99
Thursday, September 24: Town Hall with Principal Suzanne Fortier, BSc’72, PhD’76
Friday, September 25: Leacock Luncheon with Joe Schwarz, BSc’69, PhD’74
Stay tuned for the full lineup in the next couple of months.
I look forward to providing you with further updates over the summer, and encourage you to remain connected with us. Thank you, as always, for your support and dedication.
Read more in the July 2020 Macdonald E-newsletter
Lire plus dans le bulletin éléctronique, édition juillet 2020