Updated: Mon, 02/17/2025 - 09:58

For Feb.17, due to the storm, McGill teaching and work must be done remotely. Classes that cannot be done remotely will be cancelled. Labs and evaluations will be rescheduled, as appropriate. Only the McLennan Library is open for study (see hours). All other libraries are closed for the day.

Pour le 17 février, en raison de la tempête, l'enseignement et le travail à McGill doivent être effectués à distance. Les cours qui ne peuvent être effectués à distance seront annulés. Les laboratoires et les évaluations seront reportés, en fonction des besoins. Seule la bibliothèque McLennan est ouverte pour l'étude (voir horaires). Toutes les autres bibliothèques sont fermées pour la journée.


Dr. Martin Drapeau speaks to Globe & Mail about routine measurement

Published: 10 April 2018

Dr. Martin Drapeau, of our Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, spoke to Globe and Mail''s Erin Anderssen last week regarding routine measurement, also referred to as feedback-informed therapy.

"Therapy is a tried-and-true treatment for what ails our minds, but it hasn’t caught up with medicine in tracking the data needed to make patients better. Could simple surveys help change that?" wrote Erin Anderseen for a piece titled "Rethinking therapy: How 45 questions can revolutionize mental health care in Canada," published April 7. Please click here to read the article.

Professor Martin Drapeau, M.Ps., Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, is an Associate Professor of Counselling Psychology and of Psychiatry at McGill University, and a Researcher affiliated with the Qualaxia Network and the Centre International de Criminologie Comparée of the University of Montreal. Former Project Director at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research and FRSQ Chercheur Boursier, he is also appointed as Adjunct Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Sherbrooke. He is involved in or leads a number of research projects and has published in the area of psychotherapy process and of psychopathology. Prof. Drapeau is a former vice president of the Order (College) of Psychologists of Quebec (OPQ) and member of its executive committee and Board of Directors. He served as the Quebec representative on the American Psychological Association Council of Representatives and is Past Chair of the Clinical Section of the Canadian Psychological Association. Prof. Drapeau is the Editor in Chief of Canadian Psychology and former editor of Science and Practice, and is on the editorial board of a number of other journals. He is also the cofounder of Medipsy Psychological Services.

[read "Rethinking therapy: How 45 questions can revolutionize mental health care in Canada," Erin Anderssen, Globe & Mail, Apr.7, 2018]

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