Delve - "New Normal" podcast: A Shock to the System with Saku Mantere

In episode 5 of The ‘New Normal’ hosted by Dave Kaufman, Delve Editor-in-Chief Professor Saku Mantere discusses how organizations have responded and adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic: whether universities, governments, or businesses, many responded to the crisis by adapting quickly and performing beyond expectations. Why are some organizations at their best when facing a problem, while others flag? Professor Mantere also addresses the effects of Zoom – and the lack of physical classrooms and workspaces – on organizations, innovation processes, and the future of work in an even more rapidly changing world.
The ‘New Normal’ is a collaboration between journalist Dave Kaufman and Delve, the official thought leadership platform of McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management. Each episode looks in-depth at a different aspect of the new normal that we are all navigating due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bringing Insight to the Surface
Founded in 2019, Delve is the official thought leadership publication of McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management. Under the direction of Professor Saku Mantere, inaugural Editor-in-Chief, Delve features the latest in management thinking that stretches perspectives, sparks new ideas, and brings clarity to decision-makers at all levels and across sectors.