Construction Start: McCall MacBain Arts - Masonry work

Please be advised that McGill University has mandated Rainville et Frères to carry out the following project: 19-163 McCall MacBain Arts – Masonry work.
Final phase of the masonry restoration on two facades of the west side of the McCall MacBain Arts Building.
Construction start date: June 17th, 2024
Planned construction end date: September 17th, 2024
Work schedule: Monday to Friday, 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Project Manager: Jocelyn Blanchet - jocelyn.blanchet [at]
Assistant Project Manager: Pierre Beauchamp - pierre.beauchamp [at]
Contact for building users: Erin McDonagh, Associate Building Director - erin.mcdonagh [at]
Scope of work:
- Installation of protective structures where required.
- Installation of scaffolding over the roof of the adjacent building (Leacock) and on the front façade of the Arts Building.
- Use of a crane to load new stones onto the scaffolding.
- Installation of new stones and completion of masonry joints.
- Cleaning of façades and removal of temporary installations.
Impact & mitigation:
- There will be increased traffic of trucks around the work site. Signallers will be present to control circulation during stone loading operations.
- Protective structures will be installed over the west entrance of the Arts Building and over the east exit of the Leacock Building
- Pedestrians will not be able to cross from the Arts Building to the Leacock Building but will rather have to walk around the Redpath Museum to reach the Leacock Building.