April 2023 - New books available at the NPRC
- Faire face aux ronflements et aux apnées du sommeil : le programme complet pour apprendre à mieux dormir par Kelly Guichard | Meryl Manoukian
- Devenir proche aidant, maladie d'Alzheimer et autres troubles cognitifs par Marie-Jeanne Kergoat & Al
- Cannabis par Serge Brochu, Sébastien Fallu et Marilou Pelletier
- Mayo Clinic on Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias: A guide for people with dementia and those who care for them by Jonathon Graff-Radford (2nd edition)
- Back and Neck Health: Mayo Clinic guide to treating and preventing back and neck pain by Mohamad Byden
- A Loving Approach to Dementia Care: Making Meaningful Connections while Caregiving by Laura Wayman (3rd edition)
You can borrow them from room 354 at The Neuro.
For information:
infoneuro [at] muhc.mcgill.ca