$110M for Nine Innovative McGill Research Projects
Read the story in the McGill Reporter
Read the McGill news release
Funded Projects:
McGill team lead: Guillaume Bourque, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
External team lead: Vincent Ferreti, Principal Investigator, Research Center of the Sainte-Justine University Hospital and Director of Digital Platforms, Genome Québec.
Partner institutions: Hospital for Sick Children, Sinai Health System, Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke, Université Laval.
CFI Funding: $7,924,202
Additional funds contributed by Québec: $6,579,695
Total project budget: $19,978,910
Quantum Dynamics Laboratory: Tools to Visualize Advanced Materials at Work
McGill team lead: David Cooke and Bradley Siwick, Faculty of Science.
CFI funding: $2,570,856.
Additional funds contributed by Québec: $2,570,856
Total project budget: $6,427,139
Canadian Hydrogen Observatory and Radio transient Detector (CHORD)
McGill team lead: Matt Dobbs, Faculty of Science.
External team lead: Keith Vanderlinde, Assistant Professor at the Dunlap Institute and Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of Toronto.
Partner institutions*: The Perimeter Institute, University of Calgary, University of Toronto.
CFI funding: $9,071,532
Additional funds contributed by Québec: $3,209,533
Total project budget: $23,139,105
Next Generation dopaminergic cell modeling and therapeutics for movement disorders
McGill team leads: Carl Ernst, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; Edward Fon, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Scientific Director of the Montreal Neurological Institute.
CFI funding: $3,420,697
Additional funds contributed by Québec: $3,420,697
Total project budget: $8,551,743
Nanotools III
McGill team lead: Peter Grutter, Faculty of Science.
CFI funding: $2,884,120
Additional funds contributed by Québec: $2,884,120
Total Project Budget: $7,210,302
Building-Architecture-Research Node (BARN)
McGill Team Leads: Michael Jemtrud, Faculty of Engineering; Kiel Moe, and Salmaan Craig (Peter Guo-hua Fu School of Architecture)
CFI funding: $7,682,961
Additional funds contributed by Québec: $7,682,961
Total project budget: $19,207,401
Centre for Applied Nanomedicine (CAN) – Studies into Extracellular Vesicle Heterogeneity, Biomarkers and Function
McGill team leads: Janusz Rak and Peter Metrakos, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
CFI Funds: $1,365,228
Additional funds contributed by Quebec: $1,365,228
Total project budget: $3,413,071
Functional Atomic-scale Materials Engineering (FAME)
McGill team leads: Thomas Szkopek and Marta Cerruti, Faculty of Engineering.
Partner institutions: École Polytechnique de Montréal, Université de Montréal, University of Ottawa
CFI funds: $3,244,132
Additional funds contributed by Quebec: $2,767,722
Total project budget: $8,117,615
Advanced Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing Facility
McGill team lead: Stephen Yue, Faculty of Engineering.
External team lead: Dominique Poirier, Research Officer Automotive and Surface Transportation, National Research Council of Canada.
Partner institutions: Concordia University, University of Windsor
CFI Funds: $3,775,027 from the CFI Innovation Fund.
Additional funds contributed by Quebec: $3,651,088
Total Project Budget: $9,437,569
Funded Projects led by other institutions with McGill co-applicants:
Canadian Analytics Network for Outcome Prediction In Exposures (CANOPIE)
Led by: University of Alberta
McGill co-applicant: Christophe Borchers
Enabling the search for neutrinoless double-beta decays in Xe-136 with nEXO
Led by: University of British Columbia
McGill co-applicant: Thomas Brunner
Atomistics of Synthetic and Natural Materials
Led by: École Polytechnique de Montréal
McGill co-applicant: Raynald Gauvin and Marc McKee
A cGMP facility for Personalized Tissue Engineering
Led by: Université Laval
McGill co-applicant: Bartha Knoppers
CGEn – A National Platform for Genome Sequencing and Analysis
Led by: The Hospital for Sick Children
McGill co-applicant: Mark Lathrop
Distributed Digital Intelligence Network (D2IN): Develoment of disruptive and low-cost microsystems for edge computing
Led by: Université de Sherbrooke
McGill collaborator: Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur
Building a Future for Canadian Neutron Scattering
Led by: McMaster University
McGill co-applicant: Dominic Ryan
Neurodevelopmental basis of nervous system disorders: NeuroBasis
Led by: Université de Montréal
McGill co-applicants: Stuart Trenholm, Edward Ruthazer, Reza Sharif Naeini, Robert Koenekoop, Myriam Srour
PURE: Particles in URban Environments
Led by: Université de Montréal
McGill co-applicant: Nathalie Tufenkji
Belle II Canadian Research Data Centre
Led by: University of Victoria
McGill co-applicant: Andreas Warburton
Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA): A Platform for Interdisciplinary Research
Led by: McMaster University
McGill co-applicants: Christina Wolfson, Mark Lathrop
Auditory-Motor Skill Learning and Brain Plasticity
Led by: Université de Montréal
McGill co-applicant: Robert Zatorre
*Partner institutions contribute to the overall project budget from the associated CFI funds.