
Write Like a Pro

Monday, December 9, 2019 12:30to13:30


Whether you want to perform better in your current job, earn a raise or promotion, or otherwise advance in your career, writing is one of the most critical soft skills. Great business writers understand their audiences, write clear and error-free texts that get the message across with impact, and structure information in the right tone and style to achieve their specific business objectives, whether gaining buy-in from a supervisor on a new project or winning over a new client.  

However, this can be especially challenging if the language you’re writing in is not your mother tongue. So how can you develop the skills and intuition needed to understand your audience; find the right words, style and tone; and avoid errors so that your writing achieves its aim? 

Join us for Writing Like A Pro, a free bilingual online info session in which we’ll explore the keys to learning how to write well in English or French when it’s your second, third or fourth language. 

Topics Covered

Led by our Program Coordinators and language instructors Lisa Simpson and Isabelle Aubouy, we’ll explore the following areas: 

  • Why writing in business is so important 
  • What makes business writing challenging for non-native speakers 
  • 5 keys to effective writing in the workplace 
  • 5 skills to being great at workplace writing 

Then, for those who are interested, we’ll dive into McGill’s Online Programs for Written English and French in the workplace to discuss how these unique programs can help you take your written French or English to the next level, give you more confidence, and enhance your work performance and career. We will discuss the following elements: 

  • What makes the program unique 
  • Our approach to learning and teaching 
  • Topics covered 
  • Skills the program aims to develop 
  • What other students say 
  • The Certificate of Proficiency 
  • How and when to take a placement test 

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