
Photo Competition 2021

Friday, January 1, 2021 12:00toThursday, November 25, 2021 23:00

The Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute is proud to host its second Photo contest! Winners may have their signed pieces of art immortalized in the centre’s corridors, publicized on the website, and/or used for promotional material.

To participate, one must be enrolled as a student at McGill University and work under the supervision of a GCI Faculty member. While the competition is open to all GCI Affiliated members and trainees, only registered students can receive a cash prize. However, all winners may have their signed pieces of art immortalized in the Centre’s corridors and on the website.

Each participant can submit a maximum of two photographs. Each photograph must be submitted with a photo release form and consent forms if applicable; i.e. if a picture contains the faces of an individual, the photograph must be submitted with the written consent of that individual. No photographs of animals will be accepted.

This past year has been challenging, but you have continued to work tirelessly towards the advancement of cancer research. Despite many challenges, there has also been a tremendous amount of adaptation and innovation.

For this year’s competition, we want you to submit photographs that highlight your achievements and how you’ve adapted to the challenges of conducting cancer-research during the pandemic. We welcome photos of your laboratory, the campus, your work-from-home set-up, your data- whether it be in the form of heat maps or other- and more.

Unlike last year, we will have a public vote on our website to determine the winning images!

In addition to prize money, the top images may be framed and displayed around the Cancer building as well as heavily featured inside the Annual Report.

Please submit your photos by clicking here.

Please send any questions or concerns to Daniel Caron @ daniel.caron2 [at] mcgill.ca

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