Philipp Rehm: The past and future of welfare state politics
The Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship presents:
The past and future of welfare state politics
Philipp Rehm (Ohio State University)
You can learn more about Professor Rehm by clicking here.
In 1880, not a single country had a nationally compulsory social policy program. A few decades later, every single one of today's rich democracies had adopted programs covering all or almost all of the main risks people face: old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment. These programs rapidly expanded in terms of range, reach, and resources. Today, all rich democracies cover all main risks for a vast majority of citizens, with binding public or mandatory private programs, though there are stark cross-national differences. The talk offers a theoretical framework centered around the distribution of risk within societies to account for this remarkable development, which also helps to shed some light on the future of welfare state politics.
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This series is sponsored by the Inter-university Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship, which is funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC).