
McGill Cares: Update on New Medications to Treat Alzheimer’s Disease

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 12:00to12:30

Join us on September 20th at noon for the next McGill Cares webcast to support informal caregivers. During candid, 30-minute interviews with leading experts, Claire Webster explores topics related to caring for a loved one with dementia. 

Update on New Medications to Treat Alzheimer’s Disease 

Serge Gauthier, MD, is a clinical neurologist specializing in the development of new tools for diagnosis and treatments for people living with Alzheimer’s disease. He is the Academic Co-Lead for the Dementia Education Program and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery and the Department of Psychiatry at McGill University. Dr. Gauthier was the Director of the McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging from 1986 to 1997. His accomplishments led to him being appointed to the Order of Canada in 2014 and the National Order of Québec in 2017. 

Dr. Gauthier will provide an overview of new pharmaceuticals on the market, including how they obtained Health Canada and/or FDA approval, how they work, who is eligible, side effects, availability and cost.  

This webcast is available in English and French. 

McGill Cares is supported by the Amelia Saputo Community Outreach for Dementia Care. 

To view the webcast in English, click here at 12 pm EDT on September 20, 2023, when the link will become public and available. 

To view the webcast in French, click here at 12 pm EDT on September 20, 2023, when the link will become public and available.

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