McGill Cares: Applying the Positive Intelligence Approach to Caregiving

Join us on June 12th at noon for the next McGill Cares webcast to support informal caregivers. During candid, 30-minute interviews with leading experts, Claire Webster explores topics related to caring for a loved one with dementia.
Applying the Positive Intelligence Approach to Caregiving
Joanne Besner, BSW, MBA, ACC, and caregiver, received her Bachelor of Social Work and Master of Business Administration from McGill University, and a Professional Coaching designation from the John Molson Executive Centre at Concordia University. Ms. Besner coaches and facilitates workshops for health care professionals and community organizations, including the McGill University School of Social Work, where she is also an internship liaison supervisor. Her 35-year career in Quebec community health care spans many roles including frontline social work, clinical supervisor, manager, researcher and trainer.
Ms. Besner will explain how negative emotions can interfere with our ability to manage difficult situations and offer tools to help us respond constructively to challenging situations.
This English webcast is free and open to the public.
McGill Cares is supported by the Amelia Saputo Community Outreach for Dementia Care.
To view the webcast in English, click here at 12 pm EDT on June 12, 2024, when the link will become public and available.