
Maninder Dhanauta (McGill)

Wednesday, January 15, 2025 16:00to17:00
Burnside Hall Room 920, 805 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 0B9, CA

Title: Virtual cactus group is virtually special compact

Abstract: The cactus group has been studied in various settings, first appearing as a "mock reflection group". Its “pure” subgroup is the fundamental group of the iterative blowup of a hyperplane arrangement (the Deligne-Mumford space). The virtual cactus group is a modified version of the cactus group. In recent years, techniques from geometric group theory were used to determine properties of the cactus group. It was shown that the cactus group is virtually special compact. In this talk, we will present this viewpoint and prove that the virtual cactus group is also virtually special compact.

There will be teatime in the lounge after the talk at 5pm.

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