Lecture | Uncensoring Charles and Frances Burney

Join Peter Sabor, (Director, Burney Centre) and Stewart Cooke (Associate Director, Burney Centre) for a half century overview of the Burney Centre's achievements, and an exploration of new challenges including making the Burney writings available for the first time, in addition to a current editorial project: a complete edition of the letters of the musicologist and man of letters, Dr. Charles Burney, Frances Burney's father. The talk will draw on material acquired by Rare Books & Special Collections.
The Burney Centre today is a vibrant hub for the study of the journals and letters of Frances 'Fanny' Burney (1752-1840)* and the letters and memoirs of her father, the musicologist Dr Charles Burney (1726-1814). Over the past 58 years, scholars at the Burney Centre have worked to appraise, research, edit, and publish scholarly editions of the Burney's prolific unpublished notebooks, letters, and memorandum books. Myriad scholars have benefited from the resources and publications produced by the centre, which continues to advance the field. To date, the Burney Centre has published twenty-five volumes of Frances and Charles Burneys' letters and journals in three separate series.
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Light reception to follow.
Presented by the Burney Centre in collaboration with Rare and Special Collections, Osler, Art, and Archives (ROAAr).
This event is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.