I Medici di McGill Orchestra - Benefit Concert for McGill Programs in Whole Person Care
SAVE THE DATE | 10 NOVEMBER 2024 | 4:00 PM | St. Andrew and St. Paul Church, 3415 rue Redpath
Join us on November 10, 2024, for a concert of I Medici di McGill, directed by Maestra Véronique Lussier and featuring solo organist Maria Budačova.
I Medici di McGill Orchestra aims to raise awareness and support for an innovative McGill Programs in Whole Person Care, a self-funded unit in the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences founded in 1999 by Dr. Balfour Mount to reincorporate healing into the medical mandate.
Since its inception, the Programs have advanced educational and scholarly initiatives designed to help clinicians see patient care as more than a simple disease management process. Focusing on personhood concerning the patient and the caregiver, our work aims to improve patient care by deepening therapeutic relationships, personalizing treatment priorities, and facilitating healing. All donations will support the mandate of McGill Programs in Whole Person Care.
A short presentation on Whole Person Care will be delivered by Dr. Timothy Wideman, Co-Director of Whole Person Care and Editor-in-Chief of The International Journal of Whole Person Care, with an introduction from Dr. Mark Smilovitch, Co-Director of Whole Person Care.
If you wish to make a donation by credit card, please click here. Under SELECT, please enter "McGill Programs in Whole Person Care". You may also mail to us a cheque payable to "McGill University".
To buy tickets for the concert click here. For all inquiries: angelica.todireanu [at] mcgill.ca.