
Grad Student Academic CVs 

Thursday, September 28, 2023 13:00to14:30
Career Planning Service, Brown Student Services Building, 3600 McTavish St. Suite 2200, Montreal, CA
Grad Student Academic CVs 
An Academic CV communicates the sum total of your experience and accomplishments as an academic researcher. Whether your Academic CV is going to an admissions committee, a potential postdoc supervisor, a granting agency, or a tenure-track hiring committee, you will need a document that clearly and concisely showcases your potential. Bring a rough draft of your CV (electronic or print) for feedback.  
In this workshop, we will:  
- Discuss the conventions and components of Academic CVs 
- Analyze sample Academic CVs   
- Exchange rough drafts with peers and provide feedback  
RSVP on myFuture.
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