Exercise as Medicine: Prescribing and Packaging for Diabetes Treatment, Remission, and Prevention
Exercise as Medicine: Prescribing and Packaging for Diabetes Treatment, Remission, and Prevention
Speaker: Dr Kaberi Dasgupta MD, CM, MSc (Epidemiology)
Professor of Medicine and McGill Director of the Division of General Internal Medicine (GIM)- McGill University
Physician- McGill University Health Centre (MUHC)
Senior Scientist- Centre for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE), Research Institute of the MUHC
At the end of the presentation, the audience will:
1) Counting steps: To understand step metrics, their links with clinical outcomes, the impact of step count prescription in type 2 diabetes and hypertension, and the promise of step count tracking with weekly targets in gestational diabetes
2) Going to the gym: To appreciate potential impacts of supervised exercise and potential synergies with low calorie diets to achieve type 2 diabetes remission
3) Keeping muscle: To consider the persistent importance of exercise as medicine in an incretin era of GIP and GLP agonists
Room: D05.2220 (max 13 Capacity In-Person)
Zoom link: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/84664656650?pwd=b1NGVHkyZ1h5bXh6dEhFdk56UFRDQT09