(Almost) all roads lead to Funk geometry
The Funk metric is a lesser-known cousin of the Hilbert metric in the interior of a convex body, which in turn generalizes (the Beltrami-Klein model of) hyperbolic geometry. After presenting the basics of the Funk metric and some of its surprising properties, I will describe several problems in Funk geometry which relate to, generalize and strengthen various well-known theorems and conjectures in convex geometry (such as the Blaschke-Santaló inequality, the Mahler conjecture, and Schaeffer's dual girth conjecture), the Colbois-Verovic volume entropy conjecture in Hilbert geometry, polyhedral combinatorics, and Minkowski billiards. Partially based on a joint work with Constantin Vernicos and Cormac Walsh.
Hybride - CRM, Salle / Room 5340, Pavillon André Aisenstadt