Dave Karpf: Analytic Activism: How activist organizations refine tactics and develop strategies to build power in the digital age
The Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship presents:
Analytic Activism: How activist organizations refine tactics and develop strategies to build power in the digital age
Dave Karpf (George Washington University)
You can learn more about Professor Karpf by clicking here
Organized advocacy groups are increasingly turning to digital analytics in order to gauge supporter interest, monitor public sentiment, experiment with new tactics, and craft strategies that resonate in the new media environment. The impact of digital media in the political arena occurs both through the new types of speech it supports and the new types of listening and learning that it enables. In his new book, Analytic Activism, Dave Karpf explores how digital media fits into advocacy campaigning, what it is useful for, what its limitations are, and how it is changing the political landscape in 2017 and beyond
For more information on the CSDC speaker series, please visit: http://csdc-cecd.ca/events/csdc-speaker-series/
This series is sponsored by the Inter-university Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship which is funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC).