Colloque REPARTI 2021 (virtuel) - Virtual REPARTI Colloquium
Regroupement FRQNT-REPARTI – FRQNT-REPARTI Strategic Network:
Systèmes cyberphysiques et intelligence machine matérialisée
Cyberphysical Systems and Embedded Machine Intelligence
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9h00 Introduction - Clément Gosselin, Directeur, REPARTI, Université Laval
9h05 Keynote
From inventing robots in academia to reinventing the industrial robot
Speaker: Ilian Bonev, École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS)
Description: Most university researchers have experience dealing with industrial partners, but few have confronted the full spectrum of differences between running a research lab and running a manufacturing business. From continuous to discrete functions, from studying what’s intriguing to doing only what’s absolutely necessary, from “Dear respected Sir” to “Why should I do this?”, the gap between academia and industry is so wide, you constantly have to learn new skills. In this talk, I will share aspects from my personal experience as the cofounder of an industrial robot manufacturer with some 1000 robots in the field. I’ll focus mainly on the privilege of influencing how an industrial robot must operate, on educating customers but also learning from them, and on the many soft skills that a professor must acquire.
Bio: Ilian Bonev completed his M.Sc. degree in mechatronics at GIST, South Korea, in 1999, and then his Ph.D. in 2002 and a postdoctoral fellowship in 2004, at Université Laval, QC, Canada, all three in the area of parallel robot analysis. Since 2004, he has been a professor at the ETS, Montreal, where he heads the Control and Robotics Lab (CoRo). His research interests mainly include the areas of parallel robots, precision robotics, and collaborative robots, and he teaches industrial robotics. In 2013, Ilian cofounded Mecademic with one of the graduate students he was supervising. At first, Mecademic aimed at commercializing one of Ilian’s parallel robot designs, for academic purposes, but the company promptly changed its focus, to offer ultra-compact and precise industrial robot arms.
9h45 Questions & Discussion
10h00 Presentations by REPARTI researchers (one researcher per member institution):
Computer Graphics and Machine Learning: an exchange of inductive biases and methodologies: Derek Nowrouzezahrai, McGill University
L’apprentissage par renforcement — En théorie et en application: Audrey Durand, Université Laval
Laboratoire LITIV: Interprétation et Traitement d’Images et Vidéo: Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Polytechnique Montréal
Exploring ubiquitous haptics on wearables and everyday objects: Vincent Lévesque, École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS)
10h30 Presentations by REPARTI students (one student per member institution):
Reconstruire la matière blanche avec l'apprentissage par renforcement: Antoine Théberge, Université de Sherbrooke
Improving gearshift controllers for electric vehicles with reinforcement learning: Marc-Antoine Beaudoin, McGill University
Accurate outdoor ground truth based on total stations: Maxime Vaidis, Université Laval
10h40 Questions & Discussion
10h45 Presentations by REPARTI students (one student per member institution):
Localisation collaborative pour visiteur de musée: Samuel Arseneault, Polytechnique Montréal
Towards the design of a floating snake for remote underground exploration: Jorge Salas Gordoniz, École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS)
TBA: Madhu Kiran, École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS)
10h50 Questions & Discussion
10h55 Mot de la fin – Closing Remarks: Clément Gosselin, Directeur, REPARTI, Université Laval