
CoachingOurselves: I.T. Does have an off button

Tuesday, April 8, 2025 14:00to15:30

(In-person session)


CoachingOurselves is an innovative coaching approach developed by Henry Mintzberg and Phil LeNir which offers over one hundred 90-minute guided discussion topics. CoachingOurselves allows you to:

  • Engage with your peers or your team.
  • Stimulate reflection on your day-to-day work experiences while sharing and learning with others.


CoachingOurselves: I.T. Does have an off button

I-phones, I-pads, Blackberries, Androids, and Kindles are transforming our lives: at work and at home, for better and for worse. These technologies offer obvious benefits but also pose hidden threats that managers need to understand.

This topic asks you to evaluate the impact of these technologies on your managing and then generate some ideas for taking command of them.

The objectives for this topic are to:

  • Appreciate the benefits and threats of these technologies.
  • Harness the technology to improve your effectiveness.
  • Understand the importance of soft information in managing effectively.

To register:

  1. Access Minerva.
  2. In the Employee Menu, click on Training Menu, select Organizational Development, and follow the instructions to register


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