
Carolina Araujo (IMPA)

Friday, January 31, 2025 09:00to10:00

Title: Birational geometry of Calabi-Yau pairs.

Abstract: The concept of a pair has become standard in algebraic geometry. One of its key motivations arises from Iitaka’s program in the 1970s, which aimed to classify open varieties $U$.The approach involves compactifying $U$ into a projective variety $X$ by adding a boundary divisor $D$, and then studying the geometry of $U$ through the pair $(X,D)$. Over time, the theory of pairs has evolved significantly and has become a cornerstone of birational geometry. After reviewing some historical developments in the theory of pairs (including the concept of hyperbolicity for pairs), we turn our attention to Calabi-Yau pairs. In particular, we present a framework, developed in collaboration with Alessio Corti and Alex Massarenti, which allows one to explicitly describe the birational geometry of Calabi-Yau pairs.

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Lecture by Carolina Araujo (IMPA)

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