
Authoritarian Governance and Democratic Crisis: A Conversation on Methods and Approaches

Thursday, September 21, 2023 10:00to13:00
Room TBA

Building on the Roundtable on “Populism and the Causes of Democratic Discontent” on Wednesday 20 September 2023, this session is convened as a conversation among faculty (students are welcome) about the methods and approaches which have been used to understand the current democratic crisis. The aim is to share views and experiences on what we have been reading and exploring over the recent years to understand the deepening democratic crisis. Our conversation might facilitate better insights into the diversity of the debates around what caused and what drives the current and growing discontent. The panelists of the Wednesday Roundtable, Daniel Drache, Günter Frankenberg, Helen Hayes and Simon Archer, will be participating in this Conversation. 

Suggested Background Readings for the Roundtable and the Methods:

Daniel Drache and Marc Froese, Has Populism Won? (ESW, Toronto 2022). 

Daniel Drache and Marc Froese, shorter essays in THE CONVERSATION, drawing on themes in their book: 

Günter Frankenberg and Wilhelm Heitmeyer, Authoritarian Developments as a Threat to Democracy and Pluralism (Introduction to the forthcoming 2023 English translation of their 2022 edited volume). PDF available from peer.zumbansen [at] mcgill.ca  

Ingolfur Blühdorn, The dialectic of democracy: modernization, emancipation and the great regression, (2020) 27 Democratization, 389-407

Sheri Berman, The Causes of Populism in the West, (2021) 24 Annual Review of Political Science, 71-88

Chahrazad Abdallah, Predatory Capitalism, (2022) 25 M@n@gement 89-92

Michaël O’Neill, The trucker protests and the blatant failure of citizenship education, Policy Options, 11 April 2022

Ben Dinsdale, Freedom, not Fear; Truckers, not Trudeau: Why Right-Wing Populism is Going Mainstream in Canada, Oxford Policy Review, 7 March 2023

Kyle Hiebert, Tech-Fuelled Inequality Could Catalyze Populism 2.0, CIGI online, 19 October 2022

Interview with Grégoire Chamayou, La Libération, 9 nov. 2018, link

Interview with Oliver Nachtwey, Verso 2018, link

Paul J. Maher et al, The Many Guises of Populism and Crisis, (2022) 43 Political Psychology, 819-826

Sebastian Sevignani, Digital Transformations and the Ideological Formation of the Public Sphere: Hegemonic, Populist, or Popular Communication?, (2022) 39 Theory, Culture, Society, 91-109

Ingolfur Blühdorn, Felix Butzlaff and Margaret Haderer, Emancipatory politics at its limits? An Introduction, (2022) 25 European Journal of Social Theory, 1-25. Link

Ingolfur Blühdorn, Liberation and limitation: Emancipatory politics, socio-ecological transformation and the grammar of the autocratic-authoritarian turn, (2022) 25 European Journal of Social Theory, 26-52. Link

Will Callison and Quinn Slobodian, Coronapolitics from the Reichstag to the Capitol, Boston Review, 12 January 2021, link

Colin Crouch, Post-Democracy and Populism, (2019) 90 Political Quarterly, 124-137, link

Hans Dembowski, Damaged democracy, Development and Cooperation (dandc.com), 18 January 2017, link

Karen M. Douglas et al, Understanding conspiracy theories, (2019) 40 Advances in Political Psychology, 3-35, link

Stephen G. Gross, Understanding Europe’s Populist Right: The State of the Field, (2023) 32 Contemporary European History, 489-497, link

Torben Lütjen, The anti-authoritarian revolt: Right-wing populism as self-empowerment?, (2022) 25 European Journal of Social Theory, 75-93, link

Helen V. Milner, Is Global Capitalism Compatible with Democracy? Inequality, Insecurity, and Interdependence, (2021) 65 International Studies Quarterly, 1097-1110, link

Pankaj Mishra, Welcome to the age of anger, The Guardian, 8 December 2016. Link

Jeremiah Morelock and Felipe Ziotti Narita, The Nexus of QAnon and COVID-19: Legitimation Crisis and Epistemic Crisis, (2022) 48 Critical Sociology, 1005-1024, link

Oliver Nachtwey, Change living conditions to counter social chauvinism, The Progressive Post, 28 October 2018, link

Oliver Nachtwey and Martin Seeliger, The transformation of Industrial Citizenship n the course of European Integration, (2021) 71 British Journal of Sociology, 852-866. 

Pippa Norris, Cancel Culture: Myth or Reality?, (2023) 71 Political Studies, 145-174. 

Aleksandar V. Trivanovic, The State of Populism in the Post-Industrial Democracies of the Global North: Fading Out, Growing Ever Stronger, or Preparing to Unveil a New Face?, (2021) 2 North Carolina Journal of European Studies, 73-86, link

Dustin Voss, The Political Economy of European Populism: Labour Market Dualisation and Protest Voting in Germany and Spain, LSE Europe in Question Discussion Paper Series, LEQS Paper No. 132/2018, link

Peter K. Hatemi and Zoltán Fazekas, Narcissism and Political Orientations, (2018) 62 American Journal of Political Science, 873-888, link

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