Attending to Sound: Ekphrasis and Music
Join us for “Attending to Sound: Music and Ekphrasis” with the Earth World Collaborative and Samara Garfinkle at KIN Experience, Montreal!
The theme for this year’s Poetry Matters workshops in creative writing is ekphrasis -- broadly defined, descriptive writing in response to a work of art or other object. Although ekphrasis often suggests writing in response to visual art, it can apply to other media and fine art as well. This guided workshop with the Earth World Collaborative and singer/poet Samara Garfinkle offers opportunity to develop ekphrastic poetry responsive to music, both heard and unheard. Here, Earth World will introduce one of their recent projects featuring poetic responses to “imaginary music."
The Earth World Collaborative was founded in 2018 by composers and organists Joel Peters and Adrian Foster. Its activities are centred on immersive story concerts, which integrate electronics, original compositions, projection, lighting, and special effects.
Samara Garfinkle is a Canadian soprano, voice teacher, and poet. In 2022, she became the new host and co-coordinator of SpeakUp: The Montreal Interactive Poetry Exchange.