Art Hive: Mandala Drawing

Join us to re-imagine and co-create a place where artistic expression flourishes. Let’s share a space where you can play and explore your imagination, gather, and make spontaneous connections through your involvement. Register to guarantee your spot or drop by the Healthy Living Annex (Brown Student Services Building, 3100)!
Today: Mandala Drawing
Did you know that a 2020 study at McGill demonstrated that mandala colouring was associated with a reduction in test anxiety (Carsley, D. & Heath, N.L.)?
Mandalas have been part of religious and cultural life for centuries, recognized for their deep spiritual meaning and reflection of wholeness.
The process creating a mandala can be a calming and gentle means of reflecting on your experience in the moment. We hope you’ll join us to try it out for yourself.
We focus on the process rather than the product and offer multiple starting point-- from mandala colouring, the use of a template to free drawing. All material provided.
Please register 2 hours before the start of the workshop!