Now that you have a grasp on how much money you need, this workshop will focus on the "deal". You'll learn what is a venture capital fund, its structure and how they operate, and what VCs look for...
Now that you have a grasp on how much money you need, this workshop will focus on the "deal". You'll learn what is a venture capital fund, its structure and how they operate, and what VCs look for...
Authors: Taha Havakhor, Alireza Golmohammadi, Rajiv Sabherwal and Dinesh K. Gauri
Publication: MIS Quarterly
Volume 47, Issue 2, June 2023, Pages 611-638
Now that you have a grasp on how much money you need, this workshop will focus on the "deal". You'll learn what is a venture capital fund, its structure and how they operate, and what VCs look for...
Now that you have a grasp on how much money you need, this workshop will focus on the "deal". You'll learn what is a venture capital fund, its structure and how they operate, and what VCs look for...