Come celebrate the one-year anniversary of McGill’s first Biodiversity Plan on Tuesday, SepMcGill Downtown Campus - Lower Field, 845 Sherbrooke W., Montreal, CA/sustainabilityCategory: Macdonald...
Following the petition filed by AGSEM on April 30, 2024, to certify the group of employees occupying a position classified as ‘’Academic Casuals’’, the Tribunal administratif du Travail, the Quebec...
An opportunity for graduate students to hear from instructors and former TAs, and participate in discussions with peers about typical scenarios that occur in Chemistry classrooms and labs,...
John Orlowski published in "News Perspective/Preview" article in Cell Metabolism that discusses an intriguing research paper in the same journal issue on a pH-sensitive transcription factor SMAD5...
(online session)
LinkedIn Learning is available for all Administrative and Support staff at McGill. In this short session, you will learn:/myhealthyworkplaceCategory: Staff workshops
(online session)
LinkedIn Learning is available for all Administrative and Support staff at McGill. In this short session, you will learn:/myhealthyworkplaceCategory: Staff workshops