SIS Faculty search: Information & Knowledge Management/Curation & Preservation

Published: 26 March 2013

The School of Information Studies is currently seeking a new Faculty member with research expertise in Information and Knowledge Management (taxonomies, data mining, intelligence studies, knowledge...

School of Information Studies @ ASIS&T 2013 Annual Meeting

Published: 1 November 2013

The McGill School of Information Studies (SIS) is strongly represented at the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) 76th Annual Meeting, Nov. 1-5 in Montreal....

Information Studies moves to the Faculty of Arts

Published: 27 August 2014

The School of Information Studies is proud to announce their change of affiliation from the Faculty of Education to the Faculty of Arts. Learn more about the SIS and their offerings here.

Book review by MLIS student Sarah Wilkinson published in Archivaria

Published: 18 December 2012

Congratulations to School of Information Studies MLIS student Sarah Wilkinson on her book review in the Fall 2012 edition of Archivaria, the journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists. Sarah...

SIS faculty Dr. Beheshti & Dr. Large editors of new book on information behaviour of children & youth

Published: 16 November 2012

Congratulations to School of Information Studies professors Dr. Jamshid Beheshti and Dr. Andrew Large, editors of the newly published book: "The Information Behavior of a New Generation: ...

Dr. Catherine Guastavino & SIS PhD graduate Guillaume Boutard guest edit journal on preservation of digital cultural artifacts

Published: 13 May 2013

Les Cahiers du Numérique has published a special thematic issue on the preservation of digital cultural artifacts, prepared by School of Information Studies faculty member Dr. Catherine Guastavino...


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