To celebrate Science Literacy Week, the Office of Science Outreach released a free lesson plan for elementary school teachers. The lesson, titled “Travelling seeds” explores how seeds are dispersed...
On September 23rd, the Office of Science Outreach, STEMM Diversity @ McGill and TSI Outreach hosted interactive family workshops for Science Literacy Week. Over 150 people participated, learning...
Ever wonder what scientists do, how they do it, what tools they use, or even what a scientist looks like? Come learn about the diversity of science and scientists!859 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal...
Venez découvrir les points forts d'une sélection de manuscrits signés, scellés et remis par Voltaire à ses contemporains.3459 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C9, CA/libraryCategory: Libraries...
Come to see the highlights of a selection of manuscripts signed, sealed, and delivered by Voltaire to his contemporaries.3459 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C9, CA/libraryCategory: Libraries...
From the earliest illustrated natural history encyclopedia to Isaac Newton’s annotated copy of Opticks, our collections span the evolution of biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics.3459 rue...