Tentative agreement reached with AMURE/postdoctoral researchers

Published: 25 November 2016

The Association of McGill University Research Employees (AMURE) unit representing postdoctoral researchers and McGill University have agreed on all aspects of a first collective agreement. The...

Update on negotiations with AMURE (postdoctoral researchers)

Published: 25 October 2016

The parties met on October 17. The union presented a global counter-offer that, for the most part, aligns with the employer's offer. Some articles still need to be discussed. The employer committed...

Update on negotiations with AMURE (postdoctoral researchers)

Published: 16 November 2016

The parties met on November 7 and ratified the articles that had been agreed on at the previous meeting. These account for a significant portion of the agreement under negotiation. Three more...

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