The McGill University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Student and Faculty Teaching Innovation Awards are in recognition of individuals who have developed and implemented innovative teaching...
The Department of Pediatrics would like to introduce our newest member, Dr. Bayane Sabsabi, appointed an Assistant Professor in the Division of Neonatology (MCH).
Congratulations to Dr. Robert Sternszus, Assistant Professor in the Division of General Pediatrics and Core Pediatrics Residency Program Director, was awarded the 2021 Certificate of Merit from the...
Congratulations to Dr. Wissam Shalish, Assistant Professor, and his mentor Dr. Guilherme Sant’Anna, Associate Professor, an award for the project titled "Post-Extubation Assessment of Clinical...
Congratulations to Dr. Loydie Majewska, Associate Professor, and Dr. Guillaume Sebire, Professor, on receiving $50,000 grants from the RI-MUHC New Directions in Research (NDR) competition as...
Congratulations to Dr. Pramod Puligandla, Professor in the Department of Pediatrics (Division of Pediatric Critical Medicine) and Department of Pediatric Surgery, on receiving from the Faculty of...
Congratulations to Dr. Myriam Srour, Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Neurology, and Dr. Robert Koenekoop from the Department of Pediatric Surgery for...
Check out this clinical innovation from Departmental members Dr. Wissam Shalish and Dr. Guilherme Sant’Anna which was featured in a linked article this past week in La Presse.
Dr. Ronald Gottesman, Wendy McDonald Chair in Pediatric Medical Education and Professor in the Department of Pediatrics (Division of Critical Care Medicine) is the recipient of 2020 Mentor of the...