Baby talk: babies prefer listening to their own kind

Published: 12 May 2015

Everyone likes to look at young babies. But who wants to listen? Well…it turns out that other babies do.

Dr. Catherine Guastavino of the School of Information Studies awarded NSERC grant for 3D audio research

Published: 7 August 2014

Congratulations to McGill School of Information Studies faculty member Dr. Catherine Guastavino on her NSERC (Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada) Engage Grant....

$2.4M from NSERC for five McGill researchers

Published: 1 March 2016

By Katherine Gombay, McGill Newsroom McGill is proud to announce that five researchers have been awarded over $2.4 million in NSERC Strategic Partnership Grants for 2016.

Glass that bends but doesn’t break

Published: 29 January 2014

Normally when you drop a drinking glass on the floor it shatters. But, in future, thanks to a technique developed in McGill’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, when the same thing happens the...

How can I tell if they're lying?

Published: 26 November 2015

​Sarcasm, white lies and teasing can be difficult to identify for those with certain disorders – new video inventory developed at McGill may help

McGill researchers receive prestigious NSERC award

Published: 27 February 2013

Prof. Derek Gray, of the Department of Chemistry, and Prof. In-Ho Jung, of the Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, will each receive a Synergy Award for Innovation. These awards were...

What the “fecal prints” of microbes can tell us about E

Published: 23 December 2014

The distinctive “fecal prints” of microbes potentially provide a record of how Earth and life have co-evolved over the past 3.5 billion years as the planet’s temperature, oxygen levels, and...


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