December 7, 2020 | By observing the Montreal region's innovation ecosystem, this research paper, co-written by Max Bell School MPP student Eunice Mercado-Lara, presents a study case that aims to...
In this report for the Quebec government, our Director Christopher Ragan with the support of MPP students Matis Allali, Ruhee Ismail-Teja, Riad Katkhoda & Charlotte Reboul examine how...
June 19, 2020 | The unfolding economic and public health crisis caused by COVID-19 has revealed cracks in healthcare while underscoring the challenges of Canada's decentralized fiscal federalism....
June 17, 2020 | For years, advocates have been criticizing the Canadian government for neglecting to implement race-based data collection in policing, the justice system, health care, education,...
June 18, 2020 | From food banks to women’s shelters, the COVID-19 pandemic has left Canada’s charitable sector overstretched and underfunded like never before. Less funding means less operational...
June 16, 2020 | In 2007, the City of Ottawa adopted an Accountability and Transparency Policy, which outlined seven municipal governance principles to promote transparency. In this article, Max...
June 15, 2020 | In Canada, First Nations people experience lower health, social, and education outcomes than non-First Nations Canadians across the board. These vulnerabilities have only been...