Winners of the University Challenge Leverage Your Idea selected during Entrepreneurial Boot Camp

Published: 1 December 2016

Fondation Montréal Inc. (montré announced last Saturday at the close of an Entrepreneurial Boot Camp the Big Winners of the University Challenge Leverage Your Idea presented by the...

Eytan Bensoussan on mentoring, entrepreneurship and modern business banking

Published: 21 April 2017

Eytan Bensoussan (BSc’05, MBA/LLB’10) loves a challenge. He has studied math, bio-chemistry, political science and management. In his career life, he worked for McKinsey & Company, the Globe...

McGill student Bernard D'Arche, on helping to rebuild Lac Megantic

Published: 4 July 2014

Bernard d’Arche, McGill Student [and one of the winners of the Dobson Cup], who came up with a unique idea to help rebuild Lac Megantic. Listen: Tommy Schnurmacher Show

Professor Gregory Vit: "The Risk in Risk Management: Financial Organizations and the Problem of Conformity" book release

Published: 12 March 2015

McGill Desautels Professor Gregory Vit's book: The Risk in Risk Management: Financial Organizations and the Problem of Conformity was reviewed in the March 2015 Issue of Organization Studies. The...

McGill X-1 Kick-off! | Weekly Recap Series

Published: 15 June 2016

The week ended with a workshop on how to maintain your engagement with your startup and the right mindset to adopt, led by Prof. Nii Addy of the Desautels Faculty of Management here at McGill....

Remporter la Coupe Dobson de McGill a aidé Samuel Bruneau à démarrer son entreprise Taiga Motors

Published: 4 November 2016

Gagner la Coupe Dobson a permis à Taiga Motors d’avoir la reconnaissance nécessaire pour à l'international et obtenir le financement nécessaire afin de fabriquer la première motoneige électrique au...

Dobson Cup winners announced

Published: 3 April 2017

The McGill Dobson Cup 2017 powered by National Bank is over, and the winners have been announced. From the initial 136 applications, 121 teams pitched their startups in the run-up to the semi...

Lac-Mégantic: des étudiants proposent un incubateur entrepreneurial

Published: 25 June 2014

Cécile Branco, Ségolène Rolin et Bernard d'Arche, trois étudiants l'Université McGill, ont conçu un projet de centre d'innovation qui pourrait bien voir le jour dans le nouveau centre-ville...

2015 McGill Dobson Cup

Thursday, February 19, 2015 12:00toThursday, February 26, 2015

Do you have a great business idea? The McGill Dobson Cup Start-UP Competition is you opportunity to present your business and social enterprise ideas to seasoned business experts for feedback,...


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