Deconstructing glioblastoma complexity reveals its pattern of development

Published: 8 July 2020

Study identifies rapidly dividing cancer stem cells that can respond to new therapies...

Brain tumour awareness week

Published: 22 October 2018

Providing excellent care and the latest research to help patients...

Brain cancer fundraiser leads to important discovery

Published: 15 October 2018

Brain cancer begins in stem cells, targeting them may prevent tumour growth...

Cancer probe chosen for top science discovery

Published: 19 March 2018

2017 Québec Science Discovery of the Year Award goes to the cancer-detection probe developed by Kevin Petrecca and Frédéric Leblond...

McGill researchers contribute to three of 10 ‘discoveries of year’ selected by Quebec Science for 2017

Published: 4 January 2018

Québec Science magazine has selected its 10 Discoveries of the Year for 2017, including three involving McGill researchers. The annual list has highlighted top scientific research from across...

The Neuro’s top brain cancer fundraiser returns

Published: 10 October 2017

A Brilliant Night has donated a total of $1.6 million since 2015...

An infallible hand-held probe to aid cancer surgery

Published: 28 June 2017

Canadian researchers have invented an intraoperative probe that reliably detects multiple types of tumour cells ...

Continuing the fight against brain cancer

Published: 31 August 2016

Fundraiser to support research to help defeat cancer suffered by Tragically Hip frontman...


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