Developing the international management mindset

Published: 25 March 2013

Despite the relative slowdown in its rate of growth recently, it seems more than possible that China can expect to become the world’s leading economic power at some point in the foreseeable future....

The Strange Psychology of Expectations

Published: 6 March 2014

When Facebook announced its astounding $19bn takeover of 55-employee WhatsApp, entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley and other tech startup hubs around the world were shocked....

Gentle Stewardship

Published: 21 May 2014

Humility is the key to ‘good’ leadership and the antidote to those models of ‘heroic’ leadership that were always doomed to fail, writes Sharon Turnbull.

La semaine de trois jours prônée par Carlos Slim

Published: 31 July 2014

La proposition de Carlos Slim d’une semaine de travail de trois jours semble folle. Mais beaucoup, en 1922, pensaient Henry Ford fou quand il a annoncé que son personnel travaillerait cinq jours...

¿Queremos una universidad burocrática o innovadora?

Published: 11 November 2014

En los últimos años hemos asistido a una serie de cambios en la universidad española, entre los que destaca su creciente burocratización. Si bien es verdad que cuando hace una década se propusieron...

One last look at 2014: McGill’s year in review

Published: 20 January 2015

From naming Michael A. Meighen as the University’s new Chancellor in January to having two students earning Rhodes Scholarships in December, 2014 was yet another eventful year for McGill. As we...

How a few ‘spoiler’ seats could topple the Conservatives

Published: 27 August 2015

Henry Mintzberg is Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies at McGill University and the author of Rebalancing Society (2015)...


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