Green Light Microscopy: A Sustainable Alternative in Modern Microscopy

Published: 10 December 2015

In times of environmental decline, scientific innovation must be implemented to replace old and inefficient technology. This can lead to positive academic, economic and environmental impacts....

The Li group uses alkyl carbanions to make greener nucleophilic additions

Published: 23 February 2017

Xijie Dai, Haining Wang and C.J. Li have recently demonstrated that carbonyl derivatives could be used in a similar fashion to Grignard reagents using a smart Umpolung strategy and thus replaced...

Even if the snow's not yellow you might not want to eat it

Published: 19 January 2016

Yevgen Nazarenko (photo), Uday Kurien, Oleg Nepotchatykh and Rodrigo Rangel-Alvarado, with Prof Ariya have published a paper that demonstrates a substantial influence of snow on car exhaust...

Green Light Microscopy: A Sustainable Alternative in Modern Microscopy

Published: 1 March 2016

In times of environmental decline, scientific innovation must be implemented to replace old and inefficient technology. This can lead to positive academic, economic and environmental impacts....

Vision 2020 Working Groups

Tuesday, October 16, 2012 14:00toThursday, October 25, 2012 12:30

We want your input!PHI Centre & McGill University, CA, CA/sustainabilityCategory: Sustainability

Forum Leadership et Innovation 2016 – Place à la relève et à l’exemplarité

Thursday, March 24, 2016 10:30to14:30

Durabilys est le tout nouveau rendez-vous annuel de l’industrie québécoise du bâtiment et de l’aménagement durables.Palais des congrès des Montreal, CA, 1001 Place Jean-Paul-Riopelle, Montreal, QC,...

World-renowned green chemist joining McGill

Published: 10 October 2014

Canada Excellence Research Chair appointment builds on McGill’s strength in green chemistry...

CCVC Seminar: Dr. Kyoko Nozaki - Development of New Catalytic Reactions toward Utilization of Renewable Resources

Tuesday, March 14, 2017 13:00to14:15

Carbon dioxide is one of the most attractive renewable C1 resources, which has many practical advantages such as abundance, economic efficiency, and lack of toxicity.801 rue Sherbrooke Ouest,...

CCVC Seminar: Clément Sanchez - Integrative materials chemistry: from nanostructured to hierarchically structured inorganic and hybrid materials

Monday, September 21, 2015 13:30to15:00

Hybrid inorganic-organic materials can be broadly defined as synthetic materials with organic and inorganic components which are intimately mixed.801 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 0B8, CA...


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