For the first time, the Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) program and McGill Global Health Programs are distributing travel awards to medical residents! Without further due, here are our first...
The McGill Global Health Programs is proud to support this special lecture from the Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Global Health (IDIGH) Program Seminar Series featuring Dr. Evan Lee, VP...
Hosted by McGill Global Health Programs, the McGill International TB Centre, the McGill University, CA, QC, Montreal, ', CA/globalhealthCategory: Global Health Programs
Medicine Research
The 2015 Global Health Night will host a Global Health Poster Fair to showcase the best in research and initiatives in global health in McGill University./globalhealthCategory: Global Health Programs
The McGill Global Health Programs latest newsletter is out! Inside, read about global health-related courses you can take this semester and what we are planning for 2016 and more!...
The Fall Travel Awards Competition is now open!
You have until September 30 to apply for one of over 10 Travel Awards to fund your Global Health Project./globalhealthCategory: Global Health Programs