Christmas is just under two weeks away, so if you haven't picked out a tree yet, the clock is ticking. [CTV News Montreal] asked David Wees from the Plant Science Department of McGill University...
Lumberjacks and Jills from six Canadian universities will test their mettle at the 56th annual Intercollegiate Woodsmen Competition, Saturday January 23 at Watson Field, MaWatson Field, CA,...
Chaque année, des millions de poussins mâles, jugés sans valeur par l'industrie des poules pondeuses, sont euthanasiés dès leur sortie de l'oeuf. Une pratique que l'Allemagne veut cesser d'ici 2017...
The University of Toronto, McGill University [BioFuelNet - Don Smith] and the International Air Transport Association are also part of the project as members of the BioFuelNet Aviation Task Force....