New Deal Brewing Co. co-owner Daleyne Guay (EMBA’2016) says that, over the past five years, microbews have risen to 8.9% of the Quebec market, while the majors have lost 1% per year and imports...
Le Défi 100 jours tire à sa fin pour les leaders et les participantes de L’effet A. Afin de donner un dernier petit coup de fouet à l’ambition des filles qui se préparent pour l’ultime étape de...
Threads 4 Thought, Boxercraft, Arcade Fire and OSP Group are just a few of the customers placing production with Industrial Revolution II (IRII), and if you asked them why they chose the Port-au...
Riôtel Group confirms the arrival of the third generation of the family to Rioux direction Riôtel Matane. En effet, Marie-Frédérik Rioux occupe maintenant les fonctions de directrice de l...
Marie-Lou Dorval (EMBA’15) has done almost everything: She’s been a filmmaker, she’s been the president of an agricultural business, and she’s run a restaurant....
Ingénieure en bâtiment, Nadine Léonard (EMBA'11) a été promue vice-présidente régionale l'an dernier chez Pomerleau. Fraîchement installée à Toronto, on lui a confié le mandat d'y gérer le nouveau...
From the time it was first conceived in 1943 by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, the Executive MBA has traditionally been a degree offered by large corporations to their top...
Lebanon native Fady Dagher (EMBA'12) has lived in Montreal since 1986. When he took over from Denis Desroches as chief of the Longueuil police in February, many on the south shore force didn’t want...