Updated: Wed, 10/09/2024 - 15:16

Oct. 10-11, campus is open to McGill students, employees and essential visitors. Most classes are in-person. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

Les 10 et 11 octobre, le campus est accessible aux étudiants et au personnel de l’Université, ainsi qu’aux visiteurs essentiels. La plupart des cours ont lieu en présentiel. Voir le site Web de la Direction de la protection et de la prévention pour plus de détails.

Professor Komarova participates at the 20th edition of Soup and Science

Published: 26 October 2015

Svetlana Komarova emphasized the importance of being persistent when applying to a lab. She was one of the many professors that gave a brief three to five minute presentations on their work during...

Making the leap from lab to market

Published: 2 March 2017

Two McGill Dentistry teams are working on getting their products to market. Assistant Professor Dr. Faleh Tamimi and his team and Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Ashwaq Al-Hashedi presented their projects...

Graduate student Khady Ka wins CADR research award

Published: 15 January 2013

Graduate student Khady Ka won first place in the Senior Clinical Research Category of the Canadian Association for Dental Research (CADR) student research award competition. This award was for her...

Tamimi-Cerruti Grant Success

Published: 24 October 2014

Congratulations to Faleh Tamimi and Marta Cerruti for:...

Murali Ramamoorthi Wins FRSQ Doctoral Training Award

Published: 20 November 2016

Congratulations to recent M.Sc. graduate and current Ph.D. student Murali Ramamoorthi! Supervised by Dr. Simon Tran, Murali has been awarded a Doctoral Training Award by the Fond de Recherche en...

Dr. Faleh Tamimi Becomes a Canada Research Chairholder

Published: 20 November 2016

Dr. Faleh Tamimi’s research has been getting attention, awards and accolades for some time now. Most recently, Dr. Tamimi became a Canada Research Chairholder. Find out more about Dr. Tamimi’s...

Congrats to Dr. Dieter Reinhardt on his Canada Research Chair in Cell-Matrix Biology

Published: 30 May 2013

Dieter Reinhardt, of the Faculties of Dentistry and Medicine, was recently awarded a Canada Research Chair in Cell-Matrix Biology. Congratulations Dr. Reinhardt!...

Dr. Faleh Tamimi contributes to recently published book

Published: 26 October 2015

Professor Faleh Tamimi is a contributor author of the recently published book “Advanced Aspects of Imaging in Oral Implantology”. The book, edited by his past visiting student Arthur Cortes, is...


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