Last Thursday, we noted that some areas of the Stewart Biology Building would be re-cleaned, and that a fresh round of air tests would determine whether the building could re-open sometime this...
Since our previous update, extensive testing has taken place in the North Block of the building, and the affected areas have undergone comprehensive cleaning under asbestos safety protocols....
We are writing to provide users of the Stewart Biology Building with an update as to timelines for a safe re-opening. While damage occurred in both the North and South blocks, the North will be...
As mentioned in the message sent to the Stewart Biology listservs and posted on the web this morning, tests revealed the presence of asbestos in some building materials damaged by flooding. To be...
Assessment, testing, and clean-up are well underway in the Stewart Biology Building, following the flooding on Sunday caused by burst pipes. As many of you are aware, the building contains asbestos...