Launch of the HBHL Knowledge Mobilization Program

Published: 6 March 2018

Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives (HBHL) is a high profile, high priority multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral initiative located at McGill University made possible with support from the Canada...

Launch of the McGill-Western Collaboration Grant Program

Published: 6 February 2018

Canada First Research Excellence Fund's investment of $150 million in McGill University's Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives (HBHL) and Western University's BrainsCAN marks a pivotal step that will...

A non-invasive method to detect Alzheimer’s disease

Published: 19 December 2017

New research has drawn a link between changes in the brain’s anatomy and biomarkers that are known to appear at the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), findings that could one day provide...

Finding the way to memory

Published: 5 February 2013

Guidance proteins regulate brain plasticity

Learning a new language alters brain development

Published: 29 August 2013

Scientists at The Neuro find important time factor in second-language acquisition...

Noisy brain signals: How the schizophrenic brain misinterprets the world

Published: 2 April 2014

People with schizophrenia often misinterpret what they see and experience in the world. New research provides insight into the brain mechanisms that might be responsible for this misinterpretation.

McGill-led projects awarded Brain Canada grants

Published: 12 September 2014

Four innovative projects led by McGill University researchers have been selected to receive major grants under the Canada Brain Research Fund.

Teens test their smarts in the Brain Bee

Published: 27 March 2015

Twenty-two students from four Montreal area high schools will assemble at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital – The Neuro at McGill University on April 2nd to be quizzed about synapses...

Public Lecture - Notes on Feeling, Music and the Human Brain (Antonio Damasio)

Thursday, October 22, 2015 16:30to17:30

You are invited to attend a Public Lecture entitled “Notes on Feeling, Music and the Human Brain”. This exciting keynote lecture which is part of the BRAMS Symposium will be given by Antonio...


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