The little-known—and threatened—orcas of the North Atlantic

Published: 10 September 2024

Anaïs Remili, PhD(AgEnvSc)'23, an ecotoxicologist and postdoctoral researcher, tracks contaminants that threaten the health of North Atlantic orcas. While Pacific orca populations are well studied,...

Anaïs Remili receives President's Prize for unparalleled commitment to science communication on whale diets

Published: 11 April 2024

Photo: Anaïs Remili (centre), winner of the Prize for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows, with Valérie Orsat, Acting Dean, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and McGill...

Prize-winning scholars advocate for immigrant women, killer whales and a balanced society

Published: 21 March 2024

McGill University is pleased to announce the winners and runners-up of the 2024 President’s Prize for Public Engagement through Media. The Prize was created to recognize outstanding achievement...

Killer whales’ diet more important than location for pollutant exposure, study says

Published: 24 October 2023

Both elegant and fierce, killer whales are some of the oceans’ top predators, but even they can be exposed to environmental pollution. Now, in the largest study to date on North Atlantic killer...

You are what you eat—and for orcas, that’s bad news

Published: 11 October 2023

Researchers have known for decades that orcas across the North Pacific have harmful pollutants in their system.

Analyzing the fat of killer whales reveals what they eat

Published: 20 April 2023

Scientists are studying the diets of the oceans’ top predators as they change in response to their environments. This is because how much and what they eat can affect how ecosystems function....

Tastes differ – even among North Atlantic killer whales

Published: 14 April 2023

Killer whales (also known as orcas) are intelligent predators. While it’s known that killer whales in the Pacific Northwest exploit widely different food types, even within the same region, we know...

Expert: Right whale population continued to decline in 2021

Published: 25 October 2022

The population of critically endangered North Atlantic right whales continued to decline in 2021, according to the latest estimate that puts the surviving population at 340. (CBC News) ...

Killer Whales invading the Arctic – unlocking secrets from their blubber

Published: 7 July 2022

Killer whale populations are invading the Arctic, creating major disruptions to an ecosystem already severely impacted by climate change.


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