Why hackers are so much funnier than you are

Published: 11 January 2013

The popular stereotype is that hardcore techies are, well, humor-challenged. But software hackers are another matter. Despite his inability to keep a straight face when a reporter calls asking...

Dominique Nadeau: Safari Condo

Published: 3 November 2016

Au départ, Dominique Nadeau ne se destinait pas à reprendre Safari Condo, l'entreprise de véhicules récréatifs et de roulottes fondée par son père Daniel en 1998. «Pour mes études universitaires, j...

Lectures begin in Special Intensive English

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

/importantdatesCategory: Important dates for students Students

Senate Committee on Libraries (SCL) meeting

Friday, September 24, 2004 14:00to15:30

3459 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C9, CA/channelsCategory: Administration Admin & governance Committee on Libraries (SCL)


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