Dobrobyt zależy od stopnia odpowiedzialności rządu przed obywatelami

Published: 25 July 2013

Głosować na prawicę, czy lewicę? To prawie bez znaczenia, gdy wyborcy szybko mogą rozliczyć polityków. Dobrobyt nie zależy od wyniku wyborów, ale od tego, czy funkcjonują mechanizmy egzekwowania...

New Pulse Platform launched to boost health and wealth in India

Published: 22 March 2017

To develop new ways to innovate and support food enterprises in the pulse supply chain, the McGill Centre of for the Convergence of Health and Economics (MCCHE) has launched the Pulse Innovation...

Iron trafficking in erythroid precursors and macrophages

Friday, February 20, 2004 11:00to12:00

3655 promenade Sir William Osler, Montreal, QC, H3G 1Y6, CA/channelsCategory: Medicine and Health Sciences Dept. of Physiology Physiology Friday Seminar Series

Pain and movement

Monday, November 7, 2005 16:00to17:00

3630 Sir William Osler, Montreal, QC, H3G 1Y5, CA/channelsCategory: Health and medicine Medicine and Health Sciences School of Physical and Occupational Therapy

McGill Young Alumni of Montreal presents "Put on Your Dancing Shoes"

Thursday, November 27, 2008 19:00

1420 Rue Peel, 1420 Rue Peel, Carlos and Pepe's, Montreal, CA/channelsCategory: Alumni Alumni branches Education Development and Alumni Relations Office Development and Alumni Relations (DAR)

McGill Medmen vs. Force Majeure

Sunday, February 7, 2010 18:30

McConnell Arena, McConnell Arena, CA/channelsCategory: Athletics


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