E.g., 09/20/2024
E.g., 09/20/2024
Title Source Sitesort descending Published
Global Health Rehabilitation Initiative Annual Symposium
Sep 16, 2021 08:59
Stefanie Blain-Moraes PhD named Canada Research Chair
Dec 9, 2019 15:21
Global Health Awardee: Matthew Hunt, PT, PhD
Nov 23, 2020 14:42
Bernadette Nedelec, PhD promoted to Full Professor
Oct 16, 2019 13:49
Rosemary Wedderburn Brown awarded to Dr. Shikako-Thomas
Oct 24, 2019 10:21
Ethics in Rehab
Jan 21, 2019 11:49
Raphael Lencucha, PhD invited to World Health Organization
Nov 4, 2019 12:02
Marie Brossard-Racine, erg., PhD named Canada Research Chair
Jan 11, 2021 11:42
SPOT Professional Masters' Student Association 2019-20
Oct 24, 2019 14:15
Noémi Dahan-Oliel, PhD OT, guest co-editor in American Journal of Medical Genetics
Nov 4, 2019 16:12
H.E.L.P. Clinical-education partnership wins teaching award
May 11, 2022 00:16
SPOT earns Sustainability Bronze
Jan 15, 2020 15:45
Rosemary Wedderburn Brown Prize awarded to Matthew Hunt, PhD
Jul 31, 2020 15:24
Promotions to Associate Professor with Tenure!
Jun 18, 2020 15:03
Faculty Teaching Innovation Award
Feb 8, 2021 10:34
Philippe Archambault, PhD promoted to Full Professor
Jun 9, 2020 07:45
CIHR Project Grants - SPOT Recipients - Programme de subventions Projet de l'IRSC
Jan 27, 2020 09:41
Zachary Boychuck awarded a McGill Medstar Award
Dec 11, 2020 09:26
SPOT Researchers Funded for Stroke Recovery
Dec 11, 2020 09:43
Nadina Paraschuk wins Ovation Award!
Dec 11, 2020 10:01
Decoding brain signals for consciousness
Mar 18, 2019 15:19
STL approves recommendations on generative AI
Jul 26, 2023 09:49
BSA Award Processing Yearend Deadlines - FY24
Mar 27, 2023 10:02
Spring 2024 Convocation Award Processing Deadline
May 29, 2023 09:54
Student Stipend Communication and Fact Sheet
Dec 21, 2016 10:29
Award Processing Form & Reassignments Blackout Period - FY24
Apr 26, 2023 11:34
BSA Holiday Season Deadlines -2023
Nov 15, 2022 13:31
Dr. Simon Bergman appointed Assistant Dean of Accreditation, Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME)
May 4, 2020 09:44
ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery)
Mar 8, 2024 13:35
Congratulations to the 2020 Award winner Dr. Marco Mascarella
Jul 22, 2020 10:44
Dr. Gerald Fried appointed Associate Dean, Education Technology and Innovation and Director of the Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning
Nov 13, 2019 11:48
Congratulations our faculty members who obtained FRQS career development awards
May 12, 2021 10:18
Dr. Liane Feldman elected SAGES President
Aug 23, 2021 11:34
Two new Associate Chairs in the Department of Surgery
Dec 17, 2021 09:19
Fraser Gurd Exceptional Achievements Awards
Jun 12, 2020 12:15
Dr. Mirko S. Gilardino to Director of Division of Plastic Surgery
Jan 14, 2019 14:18
Kevin Lachapelle appointed Director, Division of Cardiac Surgery at the MUHC and McGill University, FMHS
Jan 15, 2024 13:45
In Memoriam: Dr. Harvey Sigman
May 13, 2024 10:41
Dr Gerry Fried will be the 2021 recipient of the Duncan Graham Award
Aug 24, 2021 11:07
Dr. Tarek Razek has been awarded the H Rocke Roberston Chair in Surgery
Jun 14, 2021 09:08


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