Medical training: Clarifications from McGill
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Scientific American, Nature - Using fertilizer wisely could help feed 9 billion people
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Pitchfork, Huffington Post - Members of Arcade Fire, The Strokes to play basketball for charity at POP Montreal
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Globe and Mail - Talking Management: Why an engaged work force drives the bottom line
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Donor generosity changes lives
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La Presse, Journal de Montréal, et al. - Des joueurs de McGill dans la LAH
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Vanier scholarships bring the world to McGill
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Study suggests new way to treat chronic pain
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Reintegration of work life remains an important issue for Canadian mothers and public policy
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McGill’s Institute of Islamic Studies receives $1.25 M gift from State of Qatar
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Occupy This: Exploring the Occupy Movement
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CIBC scholarships to benefit McGill students
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South Pole Telescope data shedding light on dark energy
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Darwin in the genome
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Dr. Mark Wainberg awarded 2012 Killam Prize in Health Sciences
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$7.6 million for the McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre
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Detecting breast cancer’s fingerprint in a droplet of blood
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Scotiabank funds conference room, fellowships for business students
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Montreal Gazette - Website offers help to teens who self-injure; As many as 24 per cent of high-school students deliberately hurt themselves
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Montreal Gazette - Montreal team learns why painkillers wear off
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| - Dan Deckelbaum and Tarek Razek, the Centre for Global Surgery
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CIS, Journal de Montréal - Bettez et Dorion au tableau d'honneur hockey
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Globe and Mail - Talking Management: Why charismatic leaders are sometimes ineffective ones
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Montreal Gazette - Breast cancer research at McGill could make mammography obsolete
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Chicago Tribune, Huffington Post - Consumers often ignore food allergy labels: study
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La Presse - Autisme: de plus en plus de cas
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National Post - Bullying put in its place; Parents and educators shouldn't panic about an 'epidemic,' some experts say
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Science (AAAS) - Of robots and cocktails
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Montreal Gazette - Catalogue of fakes and counterfeits poses very real threats to humanity
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La Presse - Quand un dentiste délaisse sa fraise pour prévenir la carie
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How common is off-label drug prescription?
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Letting go can boost quality of life
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Taking it all in: revealing how we sense things
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New study sheds light on debate over organic vs. conventional agriculture
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McGill strengthens academic ties with Brazil
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New York Times, BBC, et al. - Study points to roles for industry and organics in agriculture
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Primary-care advocate takes helm of Family Medicine
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Huffington Post - Letting go of the unfeasible could boost well-being: study
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Le Devoir - Livre : Michel Biron, le roman québécois
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Montreal Gazette - Opinion: In the Charles Taylor conviction, a warning to other national leaders
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