Importance of increasing women’s participation and leadership in Peace and Security sectors | UN India
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Children ‘born of war’: a role for fathers? | International Affairs
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Shifting Authority: Indigenous Law-Making and State Governance | Journal of International Studies
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Changing the Face of Security: Being a Woman Ambassador to NATO | Policy Magazine
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‘Historic moment’ as El Salvador abortion case fuels hopes for expanded access across Latin America | The Guardian
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Gendered experience of disaster: Women’s account of evacuation, relief and recovery in Nepal | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
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Deploying Feminism The Role of Gender in NATO Military Operations | Oxford University Press
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Disembodying Combat: Female Combatants' Political Reintegration in Nepal and Colombia | University of Waterloo
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Indian Federalism and Violence Against Women: A Complex Web of Power Relationships | Handbook on Gender, Diversity and Federalism
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A feminist opening of resilience: Elizabeth Grosz, Liberian Peace Huts and IR critiques | Journal of International Relations and Development
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Women's Resistance in Violent Settings: Infrapolitical Strategies in Brazil and Colombia | Re-writing Women as Victims: From Theory to Practice
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Women, Peace, and Security and Increasing Gendered Risk in the Era of COVID-19: Insights from Nepal and Sri Lanka | Global Studies Quarterly
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Résolution 1325 et gouvernance globale : L’agenda Femmes, Paix et Sécurité (FPS) en tant que norme internationale | Etudes internationales
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Is Canada’s Foreign Policy Really Feminist? Analysis and Recommendations | Network for Strategic Analysis (NSA)
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With community outreach, science is for everyone
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New technique for measuring greenhouse gas production from thawing permafrost
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Next stop, Oxford
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Soup & Science: McGill’s stew-pendous serving of research
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A push for more women in computer science
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The Faculty of Science celebrates its generous donors
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McGill Department of Chemistry signs the Green Chemistry Commitment
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Real Data and Real Solutions in MATH 527
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Travelling seeds: a free lesson plan for schools
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Sixteen McGill researchers among the world’s most cited
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Night Lights and Scientific Delights: Nuit blanche at McGill
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2023 Spring Convocation Honorary Doctorate recipients announced
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Join visiting Artist in Residence Jan van Esch for two talks on sustainability
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Pursuing an Arctic research dream
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Freshwater biodiversity loss has been out of sight, out of mind
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Soup & Science event opens up research opportunities for undergraduate students
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‘Cities are becoming the fulcrum for how we manage biodiversity’
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Dr. Eve J. Lee awarded 2022 Vainu Bappu Gold Medal
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Teaching hope during the climate crisis
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Mark your calendars! Family Science Day: September 28th
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Science literacy for everyone: Science Literacy Week and Chemistry Walk and Talk
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Stuck in traffic: Researchers identify cellular traffic jams in a rare disease
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Hidden magma pools pose volcanic eruption risks we can’t yet detect
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Faculty of Science – Statement on racism and injustice
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Study of promising photovoltaic material leads to discovery of a new state of matter
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Bicentennial Family Science Day
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