Professor Barry Eidlin’s book Labor and the Class Idea in the United States and Canada received an Honorable Mention for the 2020 Seymour Martin Lipset Best Book Award competition.
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Professor Barry Eidlin analyzes the possible broader implications of the recent strikes for racial justice by professional athletes in Jacobin
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Pesando, Luca M. and the GFC team. 2019. "Global Family Change: Persistent Diversity with Development." Population and Development Review, 45 (1): 133-168.
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Luthra, Renee, Thomas Soehl and Roger Waldinger. 2019. "Origins and Destination: A Rejoinder." Ethnic and Racial Studies [online first].
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Congratulations to Emre Amasyali who won the Arts Insights Dissertation Award for the Social Sciences and Humanities.
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Das, Aniruddha. 2019. "Chronic Ongoing Stressors and C-Reactive Protein: A Within-Person Study." Journal of Aging and Health [online first].
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In December 2020, Professor Amélie Quesnel-Vallée's Canada Research Chair in Policies and Health Inequalities was renewed for another five years
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Professor Barry Eidlin writes in the Washington Post about the undemocratic nature of union representation elections in the United States.
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Prof. Barry Eidlin authors opinion piece on the Amazon Quebec closures
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Congratulations to Chi-Ian Winnie Yang who won the 2021 Canadian Population Society graduate student paper award.
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Eidlin, Barry. 2017. “Election 2016: Labor, Politics, and the Imperative of Organization.” Labor Studies Journal 42(3):226– 32.
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Rebecca Daviddi and Daniel Sailofsky won a PhD scholarship from the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Société et Culture (FRQSC)
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Congratulations to Dr. Weinfeld on receiving the 2023 Rosenberg Award
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Congratulations to recently Ph.D. graduated Golshan Golriz for accepting an Assistant Professor tenure track position at Queen's University's Department of Sociology
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July 2019| PhD Candidate Ian Van Haren Wins IRCC National Challenge Essay.
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July 2019| Prof. Celine Le Bourdais appointed to the Canadian Statistics Advisory Council.
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September 2019 | PhD Students receive SSHRC and FQRSC Fellowships
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July 2019 | PhD Candidate Ian Van Haren Wins IRCC National Challenge Essay
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In a newly published article in the journal Social Problems, Eran Shor found that women who break the glass ceiling receive a "paper cut", as their media coverage becomes disproportionally negative.
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September 2019 | PhD Student wins IRCC National Essay Challenge 2019
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September 2018 | Professor Barry Eidlin wins Canadian Sociological Association Early Investigator Award
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Prof. Jennifer Elrick discusses immigration targets in The Conversation
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Prof. Elrick's new book, Making Middle-Class Multiculturalism has been featured in a book symposium in the latest issue of Ethnic and Racial Studies
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Congratulations to Professor Eran Shor for receiving a SSHRC Insight Grant in the most recent competition for his research on racial disparities in the media.
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In a new published article, Maike Isaac (PhD candidate) and Prof. Jennifer Elrick assess how COVID-19 can prompt a revaluation of the legal statuses of “essential” migrant workers
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September 2018 | Professor Barry Eidlin’s Labour Day op-ed published in the Washington Post
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Professor Axel van den Berg received honorary doctorate from the University of Stockholm
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Congratulations to McGill Ph.D. Nicole Denier who has been awarded the Arts Research Excellence (Early Achievement) Award of the Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta.
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February 2019 | Professor Barry Eidlin’s op-ed in the Washington Post on what the 2019 Los Angeles teachers’ strike can tell us about U.S. labour’s prospects.
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Lange, Matthew. 2019. "Resistance and Nationalist Violence: A Halsian Approach to Nation-Building in a Colonial Context." States and Nations, Power and Civility: Hallsian Perspectives, edited by F. Duina. Toronto: University of Toronto
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May 2019| Jan Doering and Efe Peker publish an op-ed in the Toronto Star.
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October 29, 2019 | Professor Eran Shor was awarded a Principal's Prize for Excellence in Teaching
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May 2019| Prof. Celine Le Bourdais honored by CIRANO
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Departmental Statement of Support for Anti-Racist Movement
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Professor Jennifer Elrick comments on the 50th anniversary of Canada’s multiculturalism policy.
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Assistant Professor Luca Pesando awarded the Best PhD Dissertation Prize in Demography by the Italian Statistical Society
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Acknowledged as the "founding father" of political polling in Quebec, Emeritus Professor Maurice Pinard published a book Nationalist Movements Explained
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Daniel Sailofksy accepted tenure track position
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February 2019 | Professor Zoua Vang receives a $1.3 million CIHR grant.
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Prof. Jennifer Elrick and Prof. Daniel Béland have published an article in Policy Options on what Canada can learn from Germany about managing the distribution of asylum claims in a federal system.
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