The Bicentennial is an opportunity to celebrate the future of sustainability at McGill and beyond, while providing a space for attendees to innovate, collaborate, and adopt a greener approach,...
Wondering what to do with your MD or Science degree other than clinical practice? Come learn more about knowledge transfer & drug safety careers.3600 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0G3, CA...
Making a game is harder than it looks. Making a really great game is even harder, and involves coordinating many different components across many disciplines, and a lot of work that doesn’t look a...
Natural Resources Canada is seeking to recruit talented policy analysts through its flagship Policy Analyst Recruitment and Development Program (PARDP).3600 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0G3, CA...
Considering policy work for the federal government or a think tank? Wondering what a career in public policy is really like? Hear from a range of speakers who have experience working the...
Wondering what else you can do with your science graduate degree other than teach or conduct research? Come discover what scientists are doing in the private and public sectors.3600 rue McTavish,...
Work Your BA Jan. 15-30, 2015 So…“What are you going to do after you graduate?!” /capsCategory: Faculty of Arts
Career Planning Service (CaPS)